Top 3 Reasons to Avoid DIY Pressure Washing

It's common to want to do your own work around the house. Not only does it save you money but it enables you to invest sweat equity into your home.
However, over time, you'll come to realize what projects around the home are a good idea to try to do yourself, and which are best left to the experts.
When it comes to pressure washing, even though big box retailers like to make money selling and renting this type of equipment, it's still the type of job that's better suited for trained and experienced professionals. While we understand you probably have heard differently, we want you to have a better understanding of why you should skip this one when it comes to do-it-yourself projects.
DIY or Leave it to the Pros?
Tasks like house washing sound simple enough; use a stream of water to clean off the siding. It's this kind of erroneous belief that leads people to spending money, wasting time, and risking injury taking care of this project.
Here are a few reasons why you should leave the hard, messy work to trained and experienced power washing experts.
- It's not as money-saving as you think. Once you factor in the rental costs and your time, it's really not enough savings to be worth choosing DIY over letting a pro do the job.
- You're not going to like the final results as much as you probably think. There's a very distinct line between dirty siding and clean siding - a line you're going to obviously see when you attempt to do your own house washing. You're going to really like the results a professional can get for you.
- Industry experts know which surfaces should be cleaned in what way, and you don't. You shouldn't approach cleaning your roof the same way you would clean your concrete driveway. Let power washers handle the service so each different surface material gets the treatment it should.
Don't take risks with your safety either. There's no reason to potentially hurt yourself or even damage features of your home like your windows, because you're doing a job that's better for a professional.
Plus, it's of the utmost importance to watch for electrical hazards. The last thing you need is to put yourself at risk of electrocution because you wanted to wash your own deck.
If you insist on attempting this yourself, opt for quick-release triggers, avoid electrical components, and take a training session before taking on this task. However, we suggest you save your sanity, safety, and your Saturday by handing the project over to experts.
When it comes time to hire a Knoxville pressure washing company, call on Charlie's Power Wash for the best results in the area.